The University of Malta (UM) co-ordinates the SciCulture project through a team based in the Centre for Entrepreneurship and Business Incubation (CEBI) that runs numerous EU projects, a nationwide science festival, public engagement events and houses the TAKE OFF business incubator — supporting young entrepreneurs.
The UM succeeded the Jesuit-built Collegium Melitensis (1592) by decree of Grand Master Manoel Pinto de Fonseca in 1769. It is Malta’s highest teaching and leading scientific research institution, employing the largest number of researchers. There are over 11,000 students, which include around 1000 foreign students from nearly 92 different countries. The UM has been involved as coordinator and partner in numerous EU-funded projects under various programmes including FP5/6/7, Lifelong Learning Programme, Culture 2000, Tempus and various other international and regional programmes and initiatives. The UM is also represented in a number of European and international university networks and groups.
The University of Malta now has an ECTS accredited study unit based on SciCulture's framework: transdisciplinarity, collaboration and creativity.